Contents tagged with Slugs and snails

2 July 2021

Use a combination of cultural, biological and chemical control methods in your IPM strategy for slugs and snails.

2 July 2021

Learn when the main species of slug and snail are active, when they breed, how to monitor for their presence and what the potential sources of infestation can be.

27 July 2021

Recognise slug and snail damage symptoms on plants and which hardy nursery stock species are commonly affected.

27 July 2021

Find out how to identify the main troublesome slug and snail species.

27 July 2021

Follow the guidance in these pages to achieve effective management of slugs and snails in the production of container-grown hardy nursery stock.

25 July 2022

This Peas and Beans Crop Walkers' Guide is aimed at assisting growers, agronomists and their staff in the vital task of monitoring crops. It is designed for use in the field to help with accurate identification of pests, diseases, nutrient deficiencies and disorders within a crop.
